je suis apollo

This site is the personal -- indeed, intensely personal -- diary / bitching outlet of a young gay guy in NYC who has a blog elsewhere. This blog is a secret and if you find it, then I'd thank you to not pass the link around, or spread the news that it is connected to my other weblog in any way. Thanks. This blog may well contain gay adult content, so you've been warned. But no, you won't find any dirty pictures. Go somewhere else for that.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

J. came over today for a day of Unemployment Fun; his temporary job had recently ended and he wanted to sit on his ass on a couch and play video games and watch DVDs. So we did that. It's worth noting that he showed up an hour and a half late; we didn't have a fixed-in-stone time to meet ("You said you'd be here to start wasting time at exactly 1PM!"), but still, it's a little amusing, especially because I used to catch unholy shit from him if I made him wait for five minutes for me somewhere. And he'd also cancelled this Day O' Fun on me twice; we were originally going to do it Tuesday, but he got a day's work thrown to him, and then we were going to do it Wednesday, but he hadn't finished the things he'd meant to finish earlier in the week.

Anyway, we had fun. And of course I'd hoped he'd end the evening by either engaging me in serious talk about where we went wrong, or just by jumping into my lap and saying "Fuck me," but in fact he ended it by realizing, at 7:15, that he was supposed to meet a friend at 8 in Manhattan. Woop. And so the curtain rises on another lonely night of reading Dostoevsky, obsessing over my list of the best CDs of 2004, and patronizing certain disreputable websites. Rock 'n' roll, baby.

I have the apartment to myself for the next few days; my roommate's gone for over a week but I'll have a houseguest starting Sunday. So that means you can probably expect to hear about some kind of internet-hookup-cruising misfire depressingly similar to last week's...
11:31 PM

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Oh, and just for completeness' sake, I should mention that I also drifted off to sleep last night to the soothing sounds of my neighbor getting porked again. God is mocking me.
10:25 AM