je suis apollo

This site is the personal -- indeed, intensely personal -- diary / bitching outlet of a young gay guy in NYC who has a blog elsewhere. This blog is a secret and if you find it, then I'd thank you to not pass the link around, or spread the news that it is connected to my other weblog in any way. Thanks. This blog may well contain gay adult content, so you've been warned. But no, you won't find any dirty pictures. Go somewhere else for that.

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

Well, I can't lie: the anxieties which drove me to post to this weblog have vanished for the moment. Updates will undoubtedly be sparse until I get something new and offensive to other people in my head.

I had an extremely good time with Atom in NY, and I'm very much interested in keeping things going with him again. The next time I'll see him will, in all likelihood, be in late July, when he comes to visit me here at my parents'. THAT is going to be an interesting adventure. I've only been out to my parents for a little more than a month, and they're going to be meeting my boyfriend. Woooooo-ha.

Aiding me in my commitment to Atom at the moment is that fact that Nick hasn't answered the nice conversational e-mail I sent him a week ago. Asshole.

I just read The Subterranean Journal Of Tom Coates. It's given me an overwhelming desire to put all of this stuff in somewhat more dangerous "full" view somewhere on my actual blog. I dunno. It frustrates me immensely that my weblog was supposed to be an experiment with full personal disclosure in a way that one can never acheive in your normal relationships -- things left unsaid, etc. -- and here I am submerging so many important and vital things about the way I feel towards myself and others. Self-expression? My crunchy arse...
11:48 AM